- Published Date : March 11, 2019
The Paani Program of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has extended the contract with NEFEJ to produce various communication materials for another year. The new agreement will now be implemented through 17 December, 2019. The first agreement was signed between the two organizations on 17 October 2017.
NEFEJ President Kosmos Biswokarma and the USAID/Paani Program’s Chief of Party Nilu Basnyat signed the agreement.
Before signing the grant agreement, NEFEJ held a meeting with USAID/Paani in December 2018 to review the progress made in the last year and discussed plans for the year ahead.
Paani is a USAID-funded five-year program working to enhance Nepal’s ability to manage water resources for multiple uses and users through climate change adaptation and the conservation of freshwater biodiversity, focusing in 12 watersheds of three river basins – Mahakali, Karnali and Rapti in mid and far west Nepal.
NEFEJ has producing various communication material for USAID/Paani Program as its communication partner. Through Paani program NEFEJ is working in 12 watersheds of 3 river basin i.e. Mahakali, Karnali and Rapti river basin.