- Published Date : July 29, 2021
NEFEJ organized a virtual half day training to motivate journalists towards Climate change adaptation based reporting. Twenty-two journalists from fifteen different districts had participated during the training program moderated by Senior journalist Sabin Sharma.
Climate Change Expert Manjeet Dhakal gave his expert presentation highlighting the context of climate change scenario in Nepal. Along with this, his presentation provided information on the plans, policies and programs implemented to meet the NDC targets. Similarly, Senior Journalist Rajesh Ghimire gave his expert presentation highlighting the story angles and reporting techniques. He said, “While reporting, it is important to write the news stories in a short and simple way without using jargons.”
During the training program, NEFEJ also screened its recent video documentary based on climate change adaptation in the Terai plains of Nepal. President Kosmos Biswokarma stressed that we need to focus on development based journalism and the local journalists can play a major role to prevent haphazard development activities in their respective areas.