
Membership Type

Expert member form
journalist member form

A person having qualifications mentioned hereunder and who unconditionally accepts to work in accordance with NEFEJ statute and is willing to devote time for the cause of environmental conservation can apply for full membership:

A full – time professional journalist;
A person who devotes considerable time in journalistic activity;
A person whose current occupation is not journalism but is socially recognized as journalist;
Or a person who is currently not in other occupation such as government service, business or politics, but is an established/ recognized journalist.

A person or an expert in any field of environmental conservation having appreciable insight into environmental issues and is able to/willing to contribute to conservation causes can apply for Expert Membership.

Institutional Member
Any national, international, regional, governmental or non-governmental organization/institution, which is involved, active or interested in the field of environmental conservation, can apply for an institutional membership of the forum.

Recommendation is obligatory when applying for Full/Associate membership. Application for acquiring full or associate membership demands recommendation by a NEFEJ member. Procedure for granting membership involves General Secretary presenting the applications before the Executive Committee. Necessary background and details about the applicant is necessary. The Executive Committee can award the membership after due scrutiny of the application.

Membership Fee and Renewal
Individuals or institutions can acquire membership upon the payment of membership fee once the Executive Committee awards the membership. The General Assembly too plays a role. Membership must be taken within two months of the receipt of written notification of the Executive Committee decision. Failing to do so will automatically reverse the decision.

Right and Duties of Members
Member has the right to take part in all types of program conducted by NEFEJ. It is the right of members to sensibly utilize facilities available at the NEFEJ office for the purpose of the protection of environment. It is the right of the member to move any proposal before annual and special General Assembly, demanding amendment on programs, activities and change in the goals or structural frame of the organization. Full members have the right to be candidate for the Executive Committee office bearers, to propose and support any candidate or vote for or against any candidate. It is the duty of all the members to work for the promotion of NEFEJ and its interests and to always be active in environmental conservation activities.

Loss of Memership

Upon resignation;

Upon non-renewal of membership;

If punished for committing serious crime resulting loss of his/her moral character.

Upon the decision of the Executive Committee that the full member has given up his/her occupation as journalism and is no more a journalist;

If penalized for committing serious crime, resulting loss of his/her moral character;

If the Executive Committee believes that the member is working against the interest of the organization.